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October 28, 2021What is the Candyman 1992 Plot?
Save The Cat Beat Sheet for Candyman (1992)
Breaking down each of the story elements for Candyman 1992. Check out the nuance of the film in this other article on Copper Shock that breaks down a lot of the meaning within the film.
Opening Image:
A pestillence of Bees descends upon the Chicago city skyline.
Stories of urban legends are "modern urban folklore. They are the unselfconscious reflection of the fears of society." Basically that stories cannot hurt you apart from what you let the belief of them hurt you.Catalyst:
The main character says "Candyman" 5 times.Debate:
Why is the murder in the projects so much more real than any other version of Candyman Urban Legends going around? Who could be coming through the glass in the bathroom? Wy are the residents of Cabrini Green so terrified of mentioning "Candyman". She's said the name, how will Candyman come for her?Break Into Act II:
Exploring Cabrini Green, the apartment where the woman was killedand talking to her nieghtbor about that day she called 911.B-Story:
Co-worker tells main character the lore he learned about Candyman from his thesis. He was a son of a slave who made a fortune after being set free. Growing up in polite society he became a prolific painter and fell in love with a white girl. She became pregnant and was chased out by the townspeople. Once caught he was beaten, his right hand sawed off and an iron hook was jammed into it's stump. From a nearby apiary they covered his body in stolen honeycomb after which the bees stung him to death. When he was dead they burned him and scattered his ashes over the field that later became Cabrini-green.Fun and Games:
A little boy Jake tells Helen (main character) about a different little retarded boy who was attacked in a public bathroom. as they walk to the public bathroom they walk by a three stories tall junk pile, and Jake tells her there's a bonfire every year. Helen goes to investigate and discovers a group of men holding a hook calling themselves the candyman attack Helen. The young boy calls for help. Helen is then brought to a police station for a lineup, and selects a known criminal that the police have wanted to get for charges for a while, but the residents are just too scared to speak against him. She is able to tell the young boy that there are just bad men who are posing as Candyman and that the lore and stories aren't real. Her friend tells her that her work is going to be published.Midpoint:
As Helen is walking to her car a few weeks after the attack she meets the real Candyman. He speaks to her in a bewitching tone. His existence is dependent upon people believing in him, and her damage of disrupting that belief means he must make a believer of her.Bad Guys Close In:
Helen wakes up in a pool of blood in the bathroom of the woman she spoke too before. A rotwiler is beheaded and her baby is missing. As she and the woman attack eachother police come in and arrest her. Her husband comes to release her on bail, as the baby is missing. They want to wait to charge her till they find the baby's body to charge her for murder one. Helen has visions of the baby with Candyman at a derelict location. While in a deppressed state at home the Candyman comes to visit Helen again. he tells her that the baby will die in her stead if she does not submit to Candyman. At this moment her friend comes to visit her. Candyman lets her friend into the apartment. Candyman kills her friend and places a knife by a passed out Helen.All Is Lost:
Helen is commited to a mental asylumn where no one believes her. Candyman comes again and kills her doctor with only her in the room and sets her restraints free. She escapes the mental institution.Dark Night Of the Soul:
Helen runs home to try to find sollace in her husbands arms to find that his studen girlfriend has moved into her home and is painting the walls a new color. Helen's rage of her husband and the girlfriend is palpable as the girl cowers in fear from Helen weeping hysterically at the monster that she sees from Helen.Break Into Act III:
Helen leaves her apartment resolute to leave her old life behind as she approaches Cabrini-Green to face Candyman.Finale:
Helen walks into the blood soaked apartment inside the decaying building of Cabrini-Green. The same place she's been having visions of through the film. She submits to Candyman as bees cover her body. Candyman tells Helen where the baby is. And it's at the bottom of the large junkpile that's scheduled to be burned outside. Helen runs and climbs into the junkpile to try to find the child. As she climbs down holding a metal hook in one hand, the little boy Jake see's the hook descend into the pile and gathers his neighbors to burn it. Helen finds the baby, and as she begins to make her way out Candyman appears and holds her back from screaming as the pile is set ablaze. She cries that Candyman lied to her. Candyman states that he wants them to be together forever immortal. She fights him off and crawls out of the burning refuse with the baby. As Helen is burning to death she hands the saved baby back to his mother. The comunity of Cabrini-Green come to Helens funeral and bury her with the iron hook found in the pile.Final Image:
Helens greiving husband alone in the bathroom repeats her name 5 times and Helen appears slashing him to death.Need more original horror in your life?
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